Lausanne meeting 17-18 November – ONLINE!


Considering the development of COVID-19 in Europe and the possible restrictions and quarantines that could be activated, the Secretariat with the City and the University of Lausanne decided it is more appropriate to hold the Lausanne meeting online.

It is the best solution to ensure that everyone is able to participate and perhaps involve colleagues who often have difficulty moving to other countries.

The meeting will be organized with a series of online workshops, starting in November and ending in February.

Lausanne has accumulated experiences for collaborations in several key themes and areas of interest for the network by following the Flower model which shapes the EUniverCities network strategy 2020-2022, linked with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The topics are particularly related to Urban Planning, Culture, Society and Sustainability. Furthermore, Lausanne believes that it can benefit from the experience of other members of the network who have developed know-how in complementary fields, where its maturity still needs to be developed. This is probably valid for each member of the network.

The workshops will further develop the Vademecum that has been drafted from Lausanne tandem on the basis of its own experience. The proposed approach aims to make use of the experiences of all network members in the various fields and models of collaboration for which they have developed specific know-how.

In order for the outcome of the meeting to be concrete and useful, the objective is to release a EUniverCities handbook which can be used by all members of the network. This handbook will set out in a concrete and pragmatic way the result of eight years of active exchanges, made possible by the creation of the network.


Photos by Fabrice Ducrest © UNIL and ©RegisColombo/